Hello world! A little bit about me, my background, and my ambitions for this platform

Playing Gameboy at 8 years old

Somewhere in Europe, circa 1999

There I am. Roughly 8 years old, sat in the back of my parents’ Renault Espace and thoroughly engrossed in my Gameboy, totally ignorant of the luscious European countryside just outside my window. I can think of no better image to illustrate my lifelong passion for games.

Hello, by the way. I’m Harry. I’m an aspiring indie developer living in Suffolk, UK. I’m also the owner of two cats, an avid skateboarding enthusiast, and a passionate vegan.

As I started to set out above, video games have been a lifelong love-affair for me and, for as long as I have loved games, I have wanted to make them. But as a young teenager without any technical programming knowledge, things like games development always seemed totally out of reach, reserved for big studios and publishers with a small army of highly-skilled developers. I didn’t even realise that indie development existed until much later.

It’s taken me some time (and numerous failed attempts) to get into games development. But back in 2018, I finally made it over the first hurdle and reached the point where I could start bringing some of my many ideas to life. This brought about my original games development initiative: Wild Goat Games.

Under this name, I successfully developed and released 3 games:

  • Puck You
    My first project, essentially pong clone with power-ups
  • Tessell8
    My first entirely original concept, I was so proud when it finally released
  • Odd One In
    The final full game release from Wild Goat Games, almost entirely developed during live Twitch streams!

Since then, I fell down something of a rabbit hole, obsessing over logo designs and rebranding, which in retrospect was a terrible idea. But it happened.

And from the ashes of Wild Goat Games, a new platform was born: Procrasteroid.

So, what is Procrasteroid? Well, first and foremost, it’s a fitting reflection of my tendency to procrastinate and obsess — jumping from idea to idea, seemingly at random, but always in orbit of something bigger.

It’s also a name under which I can publish my ideas, in-progress projects, and finished games. Unlike my previous moniker, I wanted to opt for something less like a “studio name”, and more like a simple, memorable username. Something I could use as a handle across all platforms without explicitly using my real name. That’s not to say I don’t use my real name though.

As you might have already noticed from browsing this website, I feature my name fairly prominently, and for good reason. If you’re interested in learning more about this, you can read my separate blog post, which explains why I’ve decided to use my real name on this website and alongside my projects.

Beyond branding, I’m also approaching this new venture with a refreshed philosophy: I am one person. I am doing this for fun. I don’t need to wait for polished final builds to start sharing my ideas with the world. Just make stuff, share it in whatever form it’s currently in, ask for feedback, and act on it.

Stop overthinking.
Stop getting distracted.
Stop focusing on the end product.
And start enjoying the journey.

Anyway, before I go on any further, that feels like enough of an introduction for now. I hope that this has served as an intriguing initial look into my world and my ambitions, and I’m already looking forward to sharing more!


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